
Sunday 4 September 2011

Back down the gym

Breastfeeding is great obviously for many reasons. One of the benefits I am noticing more this time is that I can eat chocolate and biscuits all day and I'm still losing weight! But I'm not going to be breastfeeding forever, so with my gym membership back open again after pregnancy and child birth related suspension, I went for my first visit back today.

I stuck to a leisurely swim as I need to be a bit careful having suffered separated stomach muscles during pregnancy. I can't get back to running just yet, but I can swim and walk on the treadmills at an incline. I'm hoping to go at least twice a week, dependent upon how much sleep was achieved the night before and whether both little ones are quietly tucked up in bed of an evening!

I feel much better for it, although I suspect that I will still suffer from the mid-afternoon slump. I just need to keep at it as I know I'll benefit in the long run!

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard to get into exercise mode again. I am just noticing the photo of your two wee ones, they are gorgeous! The baby is a an absolute cutie!


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