
Thursday 23 February 2012

Listography - Top 5 things that make me happy

The subject for the Listography at Kate Takes 5 this week is Top 5 things that make me happy. It goes without saying that my family and friends are top of my list, but here are five other things that make me happy:

1 - Buttons. I love buttons. I love storing them in a tin, sorting them out, examining them and letting them slip through my fingers.

2 - The feeling you get when you have just finished exercising. You made the effort, you got through it, you are experiencing a natural high, and now you can relax for a day or two and eat something calorific.

3 - Putting the last piece into a jigsaw, especially a large complicated one. I don't have as much time for jigsaws as I used to, and if I were to attempt one it wouldn't last long before being trodden on/dribbled on/pieces going missing, but putting that last piece in is so incredibly satisfying.

4 - Ticking things off a to-do list, especially things which I've been putting off for a while.

5 - Receiving a comment on my blog. No, I didn't write that just to get comments, it really does make my day!

Collection of buttons


  1. That's a lovely collection of buttons. Are you going to use them for anything or just play with them :)

  2. I use some of them sometimes...but mainly they are for playing with. Most of the pretty ones came in the Cath Kidston button tin, there were loads in there!

  3. I love buttons. Pretty pretty buttons.

    1. Buttons are great, to look at and to play with. I need a Pinterest board for buttons.

  4. Oh I love buttons too. And I'm a big list person. This is a great list!

  5. Wow, what an ecletic mix! I am a massive list ticker, makes me all happy! Mich x

    1. Thanks for the comment! I should have included making lists too, I love taking part in the Listography, it suits me perfectly!

  6. Love your list!
    Especially the feeling after you've exercised :) I just need the motivation to get started! ;)

    1. It is a great feeling, I try to remind myself of it whenever I'm struggling to get to the gym (not that I've managed it much lately, sleep has been a bit lacking recently)

  7. Oo I love button's too, have far too many of them though (a bit of a hoarder). Great list. :)


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