
Sunday 13 May 2012

First barbecue of the summer!

After the beautiful weather earlier in the year, we decided that with a new house, this was the year that we would purchase a decent barbecue. Of course as soon as the box was delivered the weather turned, and it's been so miserable that it hasn't been until today that we were able to put it to use!

Man with his new barbecue

The sandpit is recovering nicely having received a bit of a battering in the wet weather. I seem to have been running out every day to bail the water off the cover and try to stop it flooding. Hopefully the sun will dry out the sand a bit. Mia was very interested in the sand, stuffing handfuls into her mouth, which doesn't bode well for our beach holiday in a few weeks!

Child playing in sandpit

Mia loves crawing about the garden, snacking on compost.

Toddler in the garden

I bought some easy to grow wildflower seeds for Harry to plant and we sprinkled them everywhere. These are his own little pots which are growing nicely.

Seedlings growing

In the vegetable patch the strawberries are flowering and the other vegetables seem to have survived the deluge. Below is the entrance to our vegetable garden behind the garage, guarded by Beowulf. I found him in the garden of our previous house, hidden and forgotten about in the shrubs at the back, and we moved him with us. I maintain that he watches over the garden and makes sure that everything grows well. It certainly worked in the old house, where the garden had a tendency to go wild very quickly. Harry is inspecting the potatoes, and Mia is never far behind.

Vegetable patch in garden with children


  1. I love the divider into the vegetable patch. It looks great!

    1. Thank you! We were very lucky, we moved into our new house in January and the vegetable garden was already set up, all we had to do was plant things, and some things were even already planted for us!


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