
Thursday 28 June 2012

Flowers in the garden

The garden is looking really lovely at the moment. As well as our vegetable patch, which is currently providing us with a bowl of strawberries every day as well as some first carrots, we've also got a mass of flowers growing. We don't have many flowerbeds, so I can concentrate my efforts over a small area. Earlier in the year I sent Harry out sowing flower seeds, and they've filled up the flowerbed beautifully, along with some sweet peas from my Mum and some daisy things that were already there (I'm not a gardener, I don't know what they are called!). We also put them in all the spare pots that I could find, some of them suffered while we were away on holiday during that heatwave, but the ones in the larger pots have recovered.

Flowers in the garden

There are so many I've even picked some to bring inside the house. We have some pinks by the back door, I only know that because my Mum taught Harry that's what they are. Now he goes around the garden calling all the red flowers 'reds', the purple flowers 'purple' and so on.

Flowers in the garden


  1. The flowers are looking good in your garden, and nice to get your son involved in helping sow them.

    Names of flowers are not my strong point either! My mum normally helps me with the names too.

    1. Thank you! This is the first year that he's really understood about seeds and growing things, it's lovely!

  2. We had that blue packet! Not sure how many of them grew, Laura and I just flung the seeds into the back beds. Not too many flowers here yet, will wait a bit longer and some will come out hopefully!

    1. Luckily they are very easy to sow, I hope that something comes up for you!

  3. The flowers look lovely! Nice to have a little helper in the garden!

    1. Thank you! He's quite helpful, but only has a short attention span at the moment!

  4. You need to teach my husband as I haven't had 1 homegrown strawberry yet! Lovely pics! x

    1. We were lucky that the strawberry plants were already here when we moved in, I just had to weed them a bit (which my Mum mainly did anyway...) and water them. They must have been good plants because they've done really well!

  5. Oh dear I thought he would remember the name if I told him they were pink! Now I have confused him for life.

    1. I told him that when it comes to flower identification, you are the one to ask!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous! I'm growing vegetables in with my ornamentals this year, to help fund my addiction to making jams, relishes and pickles :)

  7. These are the seeds that we bought from the garden centre, I've no idea which seeds have produced which flowers but they seem to have done a good job and so I need to remember to buy the same ones next year!
    tree nursery


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