
Saturday 19 October 2013

Starting school, six weeks in

It's been six weeks since Harry started school and it's gone quickly. He has settled in really well, he's happy to go in every morning, and he doesn't seem to have any anxieties or concerns. I struggled at first - I must admit that I spent a couple of mornings early on sobbing after I'd dropped him at school and Mia was at nursery - but we're into a routine now and things have settled down.

To mark the six week milestone, the school organised a breakfast for parents. Over fruit and croissants we were introduced to some of the adults that help to care for our child and given an overview of the things that they will be learning and they way that they are taught. The breakfast finished with a slideshow of photographs of the children taken during the first few weeks at school.

I felt quite emotional watching the video. There were a couple of lovely photographs of Harry, but what I most enjoyed was seeing all the different things that they do during the day. There was dressing up, baking and playing, as well as more structured learning activities like counting, patterning and writing. I'm not sure why I felt so emotional, perhaps because I was watching him have all this fun, and I wasn't there to see it. I was also imagining a scenario, perhaps in a few years time when he leaves the school, where they play this video back to us to remind us of how little they once were.

Then yesterday we had our first Parents' Evening. We didn't have any concerns, but it was nice to have it confirmed by his teacher that Harry is settling well into school. It was funny to hear that he plays with the boys - most of the friends that he mentions to us are girls! It was also really nice to have a look at some of the work that he's been doing. He has done some lovely drawing, painting and even sewing, as well as writing out some actual words, all much better than I've seen him do at home. I feel as though I've been underestimating him!

There's a week to go until half-term and he is definitely very tired, he's finding it very hard to scoot home at the end of the day (to be fair it is quite a way for him). We have lots planned for the half-term holiday though so I'm afraid that he's not going to get much of a rest!

First day of school


  1. My Oliver started school in September too. Apart from not liking school dinners to start with, he settled in great. He's so ready for a break now though, he's just so tired all the time (despite sleeping 12 hours a night!) Your school sounds fab with the breakfast meeting and we haven't had parents evening yet so I can't wait for that :) x

    1. I hope that you enjoy your first parents' evening! I loved seeing all the work that he had done and it was nice to have reassurance from the teacher that it's all going well.

  2. Sounds like he is getting on well then :) must admit I think I will upset next year when Alex goes off! x

    1. It is difficult, I didn't realise how emotional it would make me!

  3. Good to know he's settled well and you're adjusting too! It is a big change for everyone. Was it nice for you to see they play a lot too as well as the formal work? I know a lot of parents fear they won't get to play any more once they're in reception.

    1. It was nice to see that they do so much play, it was a lot like his pre-school really the sort of things that they do. I loved seeing everything that they get up to!

  4. Monkey started in September too, we had parents evening tonight, which was as expected! He still struggles some mornings but is getting better. I am loving having all 3 at school/nursery 3 days a week! Foundation is still Early years so they should be learning through play most of the time as they were in nursery, for most it's just a new setting and a bit more routine and formalities! Monkey loves it!

    1. It must be nice to have some time to yourself at last! I'm glad to see that they do still do a lot of playing, they seem to have lots of time for free play and they also go outside a lot which I like.

  5. My little mam also started 'big' school in September, I can't believe that 6 weeks have already gone past!
    He seems to be doing better at school than he did at pre-school! We were so nervous that he wouldn't settle well, and would be shy and quiet, but he has surprised us all :-)
    Hope you have a great half term xx


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