
Tuesday 21 January 2014

Harry turns 5

At the weekend we celebrated Harry's 5th birthday. Just a little family party at home on the day, with a few lovely presents and a green pinata cake.

Five years seems like a real milestone. Even though he is well settled at school, five seems so much more grown up. I've been looking back through his baby book and reminiscing about his birth (which I wrote all about here) and looking at his baby photos. I didn't start this blog until Mia was born, but I'm so grateful to have this record of these early years.

Harry has really grown up these last few months. I'm so proud of him, he's doing well at school and his reading in particular is coming along really nicely. He's a lovely little thing, generally very well behaved, he can play imaginatively for ages and fortunately, like me, he loves quiet activities like colouring, sewing and crafting.

He adores his little sister, and he's very patient with her even when she's in the way of his games. I love seeing them cuddle each other when we pick him up from school, they clearly miss each other.

Child blowing out birthday cake candles

Next weekend we are holding our first ever 'proper' children's birthday party at the local leisure centre, with an hour of soft play followed by tea. The invitations have been answered, the party bags are filled and the lunch boxes are assembled. Fingers crossed it's a success!


  1. Best of luck with the part Jen! We celebrated Lily's sixth at the weekend and it was great but crazy how much they've grown! He looks like he had a lovely time :) xxx

  2. That cake looks a little wobbly!

    1. No, not at all, it's just the angle that the photograph is taken at

  3. What a lovely cake. I'm sure he will have a super party, soft play sounds great. Jill x

  4. Sounds lovely and I hope the party goes well x

  5. Aww happy birthday to your little man!
    Hope the party goes really well xx

  6. Belated happy birthday to Harry. It sounds like he's doing so well and is a really lovely little boy :)


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