
Monday 10 February 2014

The Adventures of Percy the Nursery Bear

I'm afraid that my heart did sink a little when I collected Mia from nursery last week and I discovered the existence of Percy Bear, who came to stay with us for a week along with his book of Adventures. I have heard about these bears from other Mums, along with the warning that they are a bit of an exercise in competitive parenting. This was borne out by the two books that accompanied him, packed with photographs and detailed descriptions of all the fun that he has had while staying with Mia's classmates.

Mia was delighted though, so I went along with it. Luckily we had an outing planned for the weekend anyway - a trip to the cinema - so Percy joined us and came along for pizza and ice cream afterwards. We don't normally let the children take their teddies out with us as I'm terrified of them getting lost, so Mia was very excited to be able to bring Percy along with us. I loved watching her chat away to him and tell him what we were doing.

The adventures of Percy the nursery bear

I took plenty of pictures and managed to get some printed out for his diary. I didn't go into quite as much detail as some of the other parents had managed, but I think we did okay. We even baked biscuits especially so that Percy had something to write about.

The adventures of Percy the nursery bear


  1. I'm seeing a lot of these posts at the moment - I think it's so cute (although I must confess to a sneaky trip to the washing machine whenever ours comes home)!

    1. That's funny, a Twitter friend suggested that Percy's first adventure should be a nice bath in the washing machine, I hadn't even thought about it! I couldn't handle the pressure though, imagine if something happened to him!

  2. Awww so cute! We do love the school bear!

  3. I know what you mean about those heart sinking moments but the children love these types of activities so I always have to remind myself that we may not have the best entry in the book, but the children had a nice time. It looks like you had a good time

    1. Yes, my daughter really did love the idea and she loved including Percy in all her activities. It did amaze me the effort that some parents went to though!

  4. Yes, in Reception we had a fluffy cat called Tom come home, the girls adored him. We also had 3 or 4 number puppies too that year and they got the washing machine treatment as Helen says above.

    This year we have been visited by Snowy the Koala bear and I did put my foot down on taking him to bed though :)

    1. Perhaps I should have been brave enough to attempt the washing machine! I didn't let Percy go to bed though, he slept downstairs!

  5. We loved having school bear home too! He looks like he had great fun at yours.

  6. Sounds like you had a great week! I have to admit I turned into such a competitive parent when we got the school bear last year... I even washed it so it was all clean and nice to go back on the Monday...

    1. It did surprise me how seriously all the parents had taken it, definitely does bring out the competitive streak!

  7. Oh yes indeed! Last year when Kitty brought the bear home I looked back through the book only to find that parents had been writing half a dozen pages festooned with heaps of photos. This year Ozzy was the first to bring his class bear home and I set the pace with a single page with a few photos ;)

    1. That's the trouble, it's the first person to have the diary that sets the standard! I did try to reign it in a bit, the previous entry covered six pages with about twenty photos, I went for a double page spread with about six photos!


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