
Monday 21 April 2014

Me and knitting socks

I knitted my first pair of socks several years ago. I'm not a fantastic knitter, and I do require a lot of support while I'm knitting. If I make a mistake I have to stop and take it up to my Mum to sort out for me. But a few years back I became quite successful at knitting socks, which is surprising because they aren't the easiest things to knit. You have to make three knitting needles into a sort of triangle and then knit around them all, keeping track of all the needles at once and trying not to stab yourself. Then you have to do some complicated manoeuvres to turn the heel, pick up stitches, increase and decrease and all sorts. I needed a lot of help the first few times, but a few socks later I got the hang of it and produced five or six pairs of socks that looked pretty good, if I say so myself.

I think I particularly liked knitting socks because of all the fantastic sock yarns that you can buy. You buy a ball that is all different colours, and then when you knit it up it turns into stripes and other patterns that you couldn't imagine before you start knitting.

Somewhere along the way though some children came along, and the sock knitting was put aside. Abandoned right in the middle of a sock in fact.

Sock knitting in progress

I was reminded of my neglected sock again while I was hunting out my blanket knitting bits. I can't believe that I abandoned this gorgeous, brightly coloured sock. I was knitting a different pattern to my standard one which is mainly worked in rib, and it looks as though it will be so stretchy and comfortable when it's finished. The yarn is Wendy Happy 4 ply 2504 Capricorn and I can't even remember where I bought it from or when.

So I took it up to my Mum and she helped me to identify whereabouts in the pattern I'd got to, and she encouraged me to get started with it again. I don't have much to do to finish the first sock, then hopefully I'll be able to knit another one that looks pretty much the same. Then maybe by next winter I'll have a new pair of socks!


  1. Those socks look fabulous! Like you, knitting never came easily to me, I always preferred to crochet .... as I needed less help with that :-)

    1. Thank you! I'm hopeless at crochet, I just can't get the hang of it at all!

  2. I can only do one knit stitch and havent for yrears but your socks look FAB!

    1. Thank you! When you knit socks quite a lot of it is just in knit stitch so I can cope quite easily with that, it's quite satisfying just going round and round!

  3. The one thing I won't knit is socks! I know if I start I'll be all excited about knitting the first one - then the second one won't even get started. Well done on your will power!!

    1. Yes that is a bit of a problem, it's a bit depressing to think that you've got to start all over again!

  4. Love that wool! I have a half knitted sock knitted by my Gran, still on the needles, which I keep meaning to frame ;)

  5. I'm in awe of your socks! I tried knitting in the round once and it looked like a contorted bagpipe!

    1. I do find it difficult to get started, it's difficult trying to keep all the needles going the right way!


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