
Friday 23 June 2017

Our Summer 2017 To Do List

The calendar is getting full now as we count down to the end of term, with Sports Day, special assemblies, second hand uniform sales and so on, it's very exciting! The children moved schools last September, and this year for the first time our summer holiday will be an impressive eight weeks long. We've booked a mid-week break to Center Parcs for the very first week, leaving me with seven long weeks of child entertainment.

So I'm busy planning, like I always do, and getting the children to help me come up with a list of activities that they want do do during the holidays. Some of them are one off things - like a day trip out - and others are things that we'll hopefully manage to do lots of times - like baking or bike rides. You can see my previous lists here - Summer 2014, Summer 2015 and Summer 2016 - and as in previous years I've made a nice big poster that we can refer to if we encounter a dull moment.

Summer 2017 to do list

Many of the suggestions are mine but the children have added a few. Harry asked for a themed day or two, so I need to play Minecraft Day (which won't involve playing Minecraft all day!) and an Egyptian Day. Playing Minecraft over the holidays will feature though I'm sure, Mia made sure to add it to the poster. One of my suggestions, that the children should plan and cook a meal for us all, didn't go down too well but I've left it there in hope. We have lots of craft kits to get on with that I save from birthdays and Christmas, and plenty of activity books to do. I'll also be making sure that we all do lots of reading.

I'm also hoping that we'll be able to organise some play dates and days out with friends, so the next step is to get hold of a calendar and start to schedule some things in!

What are you hoping to do this summer?

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