
Monday 6 August 2018

I'm attempting Scroll Free September

A few days ago I came across this article on the BBC - Scroll Free September: Social media users urged to log off. At first I dismissed it and scrolled right past (ironic!), but later that day I found myself coming back for a proper read, and clicking through to the Royal Society for Public Health website which explains more about the campaign - Scroll Free September.

The reason for my initial dismissal was that I perceived it as an all or nothing approach. I do accept that my use of social media is fairly excessive, but as someone that doesn't get out much I use social media to keep up with family and friends, and as my work involves using and promoting myself on social media it's impossible to stay away. But the video for the campaign really hit home:

I realised that while I do need to keep up with social media for my work, too often I'm scrolling aimlessly and without purpose, and losing minutes and hours to it. I'm also distracted from family life, and although I have tried in the past to cut down the amount of time I spend on my phone, I always slip back into bad habits.

The part of the video that really spoke to me was thinking about the things that you can do instead of scrolling. I have many hobbies that I'd like to dedicate more time to - reading, cross stitch, crochet - as well as new hobbies that I'd like to try.

When you sign up to Scroll Free September you can commit to one of five different challenges - Cold Turkey where you aim give up all personal social media for the whole month, Social Butterfly where you remain scroll free at social events, Night Owl where you have a break from 6pm, Busy Bee which sees you without social media at school or work, and Sleeping Dog to improve your sleep by going scroll free in the bedroom. You can also choose your own challenge depending on your personal scrolling habits.

Scroll Free September challenges list

I've decided to commit to my own challenge. I want to avoid scrolling in the bedroom, after 3pm (that's when I usually leave home to pick up the children) and while I'm working. So I can have a few catch ups during the day, as long as I'm honest with myself about not getting distracted from my work! I will need to have my phone handy for phone calls and messages throughout the day, but to be honest I get very few of those anyway!

Although the challenge doesn't officially start until September, I've already started to notice and take stock of my scrolling habits, as well as thinking about the changes that I'm going to make. I see a visit to the library on the cards, along with some Pinterest browsing for recipes to try and craft projects to attempt.

I'll keep you updated with how I get on!

Scroll Free September logo

Have I inspired you to give Scroll Free September a go? I'd love to hear if you are planning to take up the challenge!

Images via Royal Society for Public Health

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