
Friday 20 September 2019

Things that I'm currently using up

As I was going about my day to day life the other day, I suddenly realised how many of the consumables that I was using were things that I was working my way through in order to finish them off.

For example...

Shower gel - When the husband gets towards the end of a bottle of shower gel, he can't be bothered to use it up so he just opens a new one. I on the other had will extract every last drop from the bottle, so we usually have two bottles on the go in the shower, one nearly full and one nearly empty.

Shaving foam - I don't use shaving foam, I just use shower gel. But I bought Harry some value shaving foam for making slime with last year, and now that his interest has waned I couldn't bear to throw away the unused can, so I'm slowly working my way through it.

Using up old toiletries

Hot chocolate sachets - My Mum very kindly gave me her stash of hot chocolate sachets purloined from hotel rooms. I saved some to take on self-catering holidays, and I'm busy working my way through the rest. It's nice to try a few different brands!

Hotel moisturisers - Stocking up from hotel rooms runs in the family, and I find it difficult to turn down the toiletries, in particular the moisturiser. Luckily I'm not particularly fussy about the product that I use, and I can't remember the last time that I had moisturiser on my shopping list.

Hotel slippers - Another thing that I can't turn down when I see it in a hotel room. I always wear slippers, even in the summer, and the hotel ones last a surprisingly long time. Unfortunately the tread on the bottom doesn't always, which has led to a few near misses when encountering a puddle on the kitchen floor.

Slippers purloined from hotel rooms

Ryvita - I don't really like Ryvita. But the husband bought some when he was last a health kick which didn't last, so I've got a box to eat up before they expire.

Chocolate yoghurt tubes - I bought the wrong Frubes for Mia, an easy mistake to make I think, as they changed the packing for a recent promotion, and she only likes the strawberry ones. They make a nice snack, although they aren't large enough to be particularly satisfying.

Cling film - This is one that I feel very guilty about. Like most people I want to reduce my use of single use plastic, but a few years ago when I was doing large soft play birthday parties I used to use cling film to wrap up veggie sticks and so on to go in party food boxes. I was always worried about running out, so I used to buy a new roll for each party, leaving me with three 90m rolls to use up. I'm slowly working my way through it for lunchbox sandwiches, and when it's all gone I'll be buying some tupperware boxes that I can reuse.

Luckily these will all get used up eventually, although by then I'll probably have more things that I need to get through!

Related post - Things in the house that I have more than I need of

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