
Wednesday 3 July 2019

The end of the school year

I can't quite believe that once again I'm counting down the last few days until the end of the school year. The summer term has been so short, and this term has really have flown by. I love looking back at what has changed since the start of the school year last September - they are looking so clean, neat and excited! Now they both wear glasses, and they are both definitely looking taller!

Children first day of school

The children keep me very busy every two weeks, helping with the creative homework that they need to produce for school. Among other things we have made two stop animation videos, built a Mayan temple from cardboard boxes, crafted both an Egyptian sarcophagus and interior tomb display from yet more boxes, and baked Indian sweets, Egyptian honey biscuits and Brazilian truffles.

Creative homework for school

In the Spring, Mia took part in the Worthing Arts Festival, performing both a poem and prose piece, and went on to achieve a Distinction in her Transition Grade Speech and Drama exam. Harry performed beautifully and confidently in his school production of Aladdin, playing a variety of different roles including a salesman and the magic carpet before going on to pass his Grade 3 piano exam with a Merit. They've also entertained us with several themed class assemblies, a carol service, sports day and a swimming gala each.

They've both done really well with swimming after we made the decision to stop the never ending weekly class lessons and instead focus on a (hopefully!) shorter period of joint private lessons. They can both swim really nicely now, and get much more enjoyment out of visiting places with water slides.

We've taken part in lots of school activities. They both sold some of their old bits and pieces at the school summer fair, including lots of Hama bead magnets that were a big hit!

Children helping at the summer fete

We also helped to plant a flower bed along the seafront as part of a Worthing town centre initiative - our bed is themed to celebrate the anniversary of the moon landings and features a white moon in the middle surrounded by a yellow sun and stars!

Worthing seafront flower bed

We are all really looking forward to the summer holidays, and grateful to have so many fun things to look back on. And I can't believe that when they return to school in September Harry will be in Year 6, among the oldest in the school, and his last year before going up to secondary school!

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