Monday 15 May 2017

Hama bead flower wreath

How to make a Hama bead flower wreath

This simple wreath is made using the mini flower Hama bead pegboard and a selection of Hama beads. The flowers are made using the board and then joined together to make a pretty wreath.

You need:

Six green lollipop sticks
Green craft foam
Flower cut outs and artificial flowers
Mini flower Hama bead pegboard
Hama beads in bright colours
Bostik Fine and Wide Glu Stick
(Optional - ribbon or cord for hanging)


Use the Bostik Fine and Wide Glu Stick to glue six lollipop sticks together in a circle, and leave to dry thoroughly. Cut leaf shapes from the green craft foam and use the Glu Stick to glue them around edge of the wreath. Then cover the wreath with artifical flower petals so that you can no longer see the lollipop sticks underneath.

Use the Hama bead flower pegboard to make a selection of Hama bead flowers in different colours. I found that 11 flowers covered the wreath perfectly. As they are cooling after being ironed keep them flat - I found it best to let them cool between two heat proof mats. Then glue to the wreath using the Glu Stick. Make sure that you use plenty of glue, and leave to dry.

When the wreath is dry, tie some ribbon through the top for hanging.

Here you can see a full video tutorial for the wreath:

Hama bead flower wreath craft

You can find lots more crafts to celebrate Spring here!

Simple crafts to celebrate Spring

The box of craft materials was provided to me free of charge by Bostik as part of the Tots100/Bostik Craft Bloggers Club.


  1. This is amazing! I'm so envious of crafty people (it's definitely NOT one of my fortés). Where will you be hanging it? x

    1. Thank you! It's up in the kitchen at the moment looking nice and cheerful!

  2. My kids used to LOVE Hama beads when they were little, it was such a good quiet time activity. We just used to blue tack them to the fridge until the fell apart, making them into a pretty wreath is a much better idea.

  3. This is super cool! I love the colours.


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