Sunday 20 January 2013

Harry's Birthday party and my rainbow cake

This weekend, my little boy turned four. Four! I can't believe it. The first couple of years went so sloooowly, and the next couple have gone so fast! I spent a long time preparing for Harry's family party. I decided that I really wanted to make a rainbow cake, and so I chose the theme of a rainbow party all based around this. I made a rainbow pinata, purchased rainbow paper tableware, organised a rainbow themed craft and stocked up on colourful party food and nibbles.

Then the snow came. As we had family that were planning on travelling some distance, unfortunately we had to make the decision to cancel the party rather than risk them driving in the snow and ice. I won't deny that I was disappointed of course, but fortunately Harry was excited enough about the snow that it was enough of a distraction. Luckily we still managed to get some of the family together to make it a party for him.

It certainly wasn't enough to stop me from making the centerpiece - my rainbow cake. I'd seen these on Pinterest, but most of the recipes were from the US and I wasn't sure that I was confident enough to adapt one. Then I discovered this fantastic UK rainbow cake recipe, and it worked brilliantly. It did take me an entire evening, and I was extremely grateful for my electric mixer, but I was delighted with the result, and everyone seemed impressed!

My first rainbow cake

My first rainbow cake

My first rainbow cake

My first rainbow cake

The pinata worked really well too, especially as Harry pulled the winning string! We also had lots of fun playing outside in the snow - we can always have a party but we can't guarantee him snow on his birthday again!


  1. Oh wow, that's amazing!! It looks absolutely fantastic! Glad your big boy got to have a lovely birthday.

    CJ x

  2. That cake looks delicious! Hope Harry liked it, sounds like he had a great day!

    1. Thank you! Actually he didn't touch it, he's not one for cake really, but he was impressed!

  3. This cake looks fantastic, I recently had my little ones 2nd birthday and really wanted to make one of these (i ended up with coconut and vanilla bean because i was too afraid of the rainbow cake haha) so maybe next year I'll give it a go

    1. Thank you! It does take a bit of time, but as long as you can make a basic sponge it's actually very easy!

  4. I am insanely jealous of anyone who attempts to make the rainbow cake... and actually pulls it off! Looks great, hope it tasted as good as it looks.

    1. Thank you, it's not too difficult although it does take ages!


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