Wednesday 9 October 2019

Non-edible treats for Halloween trick or treaters

Halloween celebrations here in the UK seem to get bigger and bigger every year. When I was young the only people that went trick or treating were teenagers up to no good, but these days it's very common for parents to take their children trick or treating around the local streets. I live on an estate which over the last few years has become very well known locally as a great place to go trick or treating. Many people go to a great deal of effort to decorate their houses, and the trick or treaters are very respectful, making sure to only call at houses which are decorated and obviously open to visitors.

Not everyone wants to collect loads of sweets when they go out trick or treating though, and if you want to avoid giving sweets to children, or want to cater for children with allergies and dietary restrictions, it's nice to be able to offer something to trick or treaters that isn't sweets or candy. So I thought I'd hunt down some ideas for little gifts which you can hand out that are easy to get hold of and I think represent good value for money. They would also be great as party favours for a Halloween party.

I hope that you find some inspiration!

Gift bags

You might want to hand out gifts at a party, or present them in some kind of packaging. See through plastic bags are good because children and parents can easily see the contents, but if you want to cut down on the use of single use plastic you can also use paper bags - either Halloween themed or just a simple brown paper or stripy paper bag, maybe secured with a Halloween themed sticker.


I always like my children to receive stationery gifts, as they are useful and fun too!

Stickers and badges

Stickers can be handed out individually to children as a little extra gift, or you could give out entire sheets of Halloween themed stickers.

Light up toys

Trick or treating is more exciting when it's dark outside, and light up toys and accessories are a great way to be seen in the dark!

Costume accessories

Halloween themed accessories like rings and bracelets can be re-used year after year.


Of course I had to include some Halloween crafts in my ideas list! There are lots of multi-pack craft items that can be easily split up and handed out individually, like masks and puppets to colour or scratch art kits.


Finally children always love small toys, and they don't need to be Halloween themed. I gave out the padded Emoji Keyrings below as party bag gifts once and the children loved them, I still see them attached to bags around the school!

I hope that I've given you some ideas if you are planning party bags for a Halloween party or looking for something different to had out to the trick or treaters this year!

Related post - Simple Halloween party ideas for children

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