Saturday 25 May 2013

Catching up

I've been away on holiday! Hopefully my absence wasn't too noticeable thanks to a bit of advance planning and some excellent guest posts. Look out for plenty of posts about the holiday to come.

I have come back to an enormous number of blog posts to go through in my blog reader, and my poor social media channels have been badly neglected. One thing I did learn though was that during the week of our holiday where I had no Internet access whatsoever I didn't actually miss anything. I sometimes have a compulsive urge to check Facebook, Twitter and so on throughout the day, but it was much easier to catch up in one go. So I'm now going to try and put my phone aside during the evening more and concentrate on some of my projects - in particular there are a number of things on my Day Zero Project list which need to be worked on!

I'm giving myself a couple of days to get through the washing and over the jet lag, then I'll be back in the swing of things. Also something exciting for me, just before we went away I took the big step of registering myself as self-employed with the aim of searching out some actual paid work as a freelance content writer. Wish me luck!


  1. Glad you had such a fantastic break.
    Will have my fingers crossed as you launch your freelancing career (with a teeny bit of envy!). x

    1. Thank you! I hope that I can make it go somewhere!

  2. Good luck! You are a great writer and someone will soon realise it. Nice to see you back.

  3. I feel the same when we don't have much internet, after a couple of days I don't end up missing it. Good luck with the freelancing!


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