I'm currently really enjoying my cross stitch. Because I try to be a minimalist crafter I'm not a great hoarder of craft materials. When it comes to cross stitch, I like to buy a kit, preferably a large one that will take me a long time to work on. Then I won't even think about buying a new kit until I'm very close to finishing it. So I only have a few completed cross stitch projects, my favourite being the Moira Blackburn Three Things sampler which took me seven years to complete!
Just after Christmas I started working on the Design Works Christmas ABC Sampler (affiliate link) which is another large piece. It has a box for each letter of the alphabet plus a small one for
One of the things that has been spurring me on has been a new Facebook group that I've joined for cross stitchers. It's a fast moving group, and I'm loving scrolling through and seeing some of the pieces that people are working on. It's really opened my eyes to the different designers and patterns that are out there. So I thought that I'd put together a little wish list of cross stitch patterns that I'd like to work on next!
With the first one comes a confession. As I said, I don't like to build up a stash of unfinished projects. But when I saw this design shared in the group it really called to me, and the price for a digital download was so reasonable that I made an impulse purchase and bought it. It's a gorgeous design, and although it isn't a kit like I usually buy, I have a few odds and ends of embroidery thread in my stash and I think I've got enough to cover most of it at least. I also happen to have a piece of fabric which is the exact right size. I did have to buy it quickly though because there are many many other designs from the same shop which also appealed very much, in particular I love the US National Park ones - I had to hold myself back!
A design that I've wanted to work on for a while is an antique map. There are several different ones around, but the one that has particularly caught my eye is the Janlynn Olde World Map (affiliate link). I do love maps (I already have the Cross Stitch Map
I also quite fancy stitching a family tree, the trouble is that I can't find a design that I like and I'm not sure I'm brave enough to try and make up my own. I have a few pinned on Pinterest for inspiration (you can see my board at the bottom of this post) but none that have really stuck out to me so it's an idea at the end of the queue for now.
Finally, since joining the group I've been introduced to Heaven and Earth Designs. Completing one of these seems to allow you to prove your mettle as a serious cross stitcher. They are enormous, very intricate, full coverage designs. They generally have lots of 'confetti', which means lots of individual stitches in different colours all spread out through the design. I would love to complete one, but the trouble is that they represent quite a commitment, both financially and in terms of your time. Although the patterns themselves aren't too expensive to purchase, I don't have much floss so I'd have to buy most of it from scratch. They are also often fantastical and whimsical designs which aren't really my kind of thing. So it's a case of having a good browse and finding one that I'm really in to! I must admit that these designs with cats in have caught my eye...
So I've definitely got plenty to think about for the near future! Below is my Pinterest board where I pin anything cross stitchy that catches my eye in my online travels. Now I just need to get on and actually do the stitching!
Post contains Amazon Affiliate links
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