Over the last few years I've read several books which have really encouraged me to make a change in my life, and so I thought I'd share them here in case any of my readers might also be interested in them!
* The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron covers a twelve week course that aims to help you unlock your latent creativity and make your dreams a reality by recovering your creative self. I can't remember how I first heard of this book, but I followed the course through back when I first read it, which was probably nearly 15 years ago. I was in a very different place in life back then, before children, and had plenty of time to dedicate to the tasks required. One of the main components of the course is the Morning Pages - taking the time every morning to write three pages in longhand. These are a stream of consciousness which no-one will ever read, and are intended to help you get past the things that are on your mind and blocking you. I did these pages every day and found them really helpful.
Every week you are also given exercises and tasks to do which are designed to help you work through any issues that you may have surrounding your creativity. My favourite part was a weekly 'Artist Date' where you take a block of time to nurture your inner artist and do something fun to indulge yourself.
I found the whole course really fun to do, and having picked up the book again it's making me feel inspired to give the course another go now that I am in a different phase of my life.
* The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo. I've written about the Marie Kondo method several times here on the blog, and although I will admit that I haven't completed the festival exactly, I've taken a great deal from this method which has helped me to keep my home in a fairly decluttered and organised state. I often pick up the book again and dip into it when I'm feeling the need for a little more order.
* The Organised Mum Method by Gemma Bray
* The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking
Have you read any books which have inspired you to make a change for the better? I'd love to hear about them!
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