Wednesday 8 January 2014

Day Zero Project update January 2014

I started my Day Zero Project on the 21st November 2012. If you're not familiar with the idea, Day Zero is an on-line project that aims to make goal setting fun. You make a list of 101 things that you would like to do in the next 1001 days. Having this time constraint means that your focus and determination kicks in as you try to tick everything off before time runs out.

It's a method of setting goals that really appeals to me. Some of the things on my list can be completed in a matter of moments, others are very long term and will be a definite challenge to complete in the time available. Some are easy, and some require a little more effort. You can see my list over on the official Day Zero Project page here, or you can follow my progress on the dedicated page on my blog - Day Zero Project - which includes links back to the goals which I have blogged about.

I'm just over a year into the project and I have completed 43% of the list. I'm pretty chuffed with that, although I am aware that some of the things left on the list are going to be a challenge to get finished. In particular my two reading challenges - "Ask 20 friends to suggest a book and read them all" and "Read 10 classics I should have read but never got around to" - are going to take some time to work through.

I have really enjoyed the new things that I've tried out over the last year and a bit, and I'm aiming to remain focussed and tick off a good number this year too. I'm hoping to finish my cross stitch sampler, which will be a big one to have completed. I'm also going to be trying out some new evening meals for the family and joining in with the 52 Cook Books linky at Keynko, and I'm getting pretty close to achieving some of the other goals, like setting up a cleaning routine and a planner for my blog. There are a few crafty ones there too which I should be able to find the time to have a go at, like making a candle, as I already have everything ready that I need.

Have you heard of the Day Zero Project? I'd love to inspire someone else to have a go at the challenge, I've found it a lot of fun! If you make your own list, I would love to see it!


  1. I love trying out new things.... :-)

  2. You are doing so well on your Day Zero Project! 43% already completed, well done you. As for the classic book... Pride and Prejudice!

    1. Thank you! I've already read Pride and Prejudice, but thank you for the suggestion!

  3. Have just had a look at your list: it's brilliant. Lots of different ideas.
    Did you like the 100 Year Old Man book?

    1. Thank you! I loved that book, loved the style in which it was written, I was definitely glad of the recommendation

  4. It's a good idea to focus the mind. To be honest it scares me a bit, because I'd berate myself if I didn't finish, but if it made me do half the things I'd like to find time for then it would be worth the exercise. I'd totally do the 20 books thing - lovely idea

    1. I am worried what will happen if I don't finish it in time to be honest, and I'm not sure I will, but if I can get a good amount ticked off I'll be happy

  5. Wow, it sounds great Jennifer. Sometimes writing goals down or even saying them out loud gives us so much more incentive to get them done. Good luck with the reading! ;)

  6. I've not heard of this project but think you're great for giving it a go.

    I can't do lists personally - they stress me out!

    1. Thank you! I'm the opposite, lists help me to get rid of stress because I can see everything that I want/need to do!

  7. Wow you are doing really well! Am ashamed to say I abandoned mine some time ago :(

    1. Thank you! Perhaps you will come back to your list at some point

  8. Oh I didn't know that you only have 1001 days. I totally thought you've got the rest of your life. My list is totally unrealistic then ;)

    1. It seems a long time when you make the list, but it goes quickly!

  9. What a brilliant idea? I've started a list today too... nothing exciting or nice though, maybe I should have a rethink!

  10. Well done you for the 43% - that's amazing. I love the idea of all that sitting down which will be required for all those books and, for what it's worth, I've never forgotten Wild Swans. Good luck with the rest. Excellent concept :)

    1. Thank you! I've read Wild Swans and I agree, it's a wonderful book!

  11. I hadn't heard of it but will check it out now - and this reminds me I have to do a post for Marys recipe linky too!!!!

  12. I'll admit i'd not heard of this until today and it sounds pretty good. And completing 43% is good too. I may try this in the futu


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