Friday 6 July 2012

Back to work

I have completed my first week back at work. Circumstances meant that I had to work an extra day this week, so it has been tiring, although in a different way to that of looking after two little ones all week. 

I’ve found the transition more difficult this time. Perhaps because I’ve enjoyed the entire year of maternity leave a lot more than I did the first one. Mia has seemed an easier baby, and I’ve also really appreciated the extra time that I’ve had to spend with Harry. Things have changed a bit at work while I’ve been away, but I have settled in, moved in my jar of Marmite, my hot chocolate and cardigan, and claimed my space with framed photos and postcards. 

In order to fit in my hours I need to start very early in the morning, so two mornings a week Ram will be responsible for breakfasting and dressing both little ones and delivering them to their nursery. When I went to collect them on Monday, two of the staff took great delight in telling me that Harry had come in with his trousers on backwards because Daddy had dressed him that morning. 

It does feel as though the house has rather descended into chaos without me being there throughout the day. The washing is piling up, the dishwasher is full, and my kitchen counters are barely visible underneath piles of clutter. Luckily yesterday my parents were on duty, and so my Mum gave the kitchen a bit of a clean and tidied up some of the toys. 

I am going to miss the activities that we used to do, and there won’t be as much time for crafting or playing (not to mention blogging!). But hopefully it will make the time that I do have at home more precious, and it will also do me good to have a break and enjoy some adult conversation.

Desk at work with postcards

So here’s to a new chapter!


  1. Aww the year flew by. All the best in your new chapter. The chaos will subside in no time hopefully : )

  2. Good luck, I am sure once you get into a routine things like the housework will just sort of happen as and when a bit easier, and like you say the time you do spend together will be more precious.

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's just a case of letting everything settle down again!

  3. Hope you get back into it quickly. I found not a lot had changed when I went back after a year, but I really miss meeting my mum friends and similarly going to the groups we really used to enjoy. Plus work is manic - same job in shorter hours, with no extended deadlines thanks to customer requirements. The being with colleagues again and using your brain in a different way is great though and definitely needed imo.

    1. I am going to miss some of the things that we used to do, also you forget how restrictive it is when you have to go to work when it comes to making appointments, waiting in for deliveries and so on! It's true that you do use your brain in a different way when you are a work, and it's a good thing.

  4. Wishing you all the best - and I love the story about the backwards trousers!

    Also... Marmite! :D

    1. Thank you! Yes, a jar of Marmite for the desk is a must, I take in bread and make myself toast for breakfast!

  5. love the comment about harry's trousers on backwards! :) best of luck!

    1. Thank you! Yes, the two girls told me independently of each other, they obviously had a good laugh about it!

  6. Enjoy the work, it will give you a bit of breathing space.

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's nice to have some quiet time!

  7. Hope you soon settle into the new routine - its all positive and you make the most of the time you are together xxx

    1. Thank you! I do look forward to my time with the little ones much more now!


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