Monday 30 July 2012

Magpie Monday - 30th July 2012

Now that I'm back at work, I find myself just a few minutes walk from three charity shops. Being out of the town centre they are also very reasonably priced. I'm not really one to buy lots of bits and pieces for around the house, I try and aim for a relatively uncluttered look. But there are certain things that I think really can't be counted as clutter, and books are definitely one of them.

I was extremely pleased with the little haul that I picked up in my lunchbreak at the end of last week. I've been after a simple book about the body for Harry for a while, and this one is pitched perfectly. He is absolutely fascinated by it, especially learning about the skeleton and the digestive system. We've also been reading a few short poems together so I picked up this book of children's poems. Some of them are a bit strange and there's a section on 'Creepy Poems' but I think that he'll like them. Then I also found a book of Number Rhymes which is brilliant, each page is a different number with lots of little poems and activities.

Charity shop haul - books

My favourite book is an Usborne book - Learning Games. It's fantastic! It has lots of little games in it to help children learn their letters and numbers. The book itself contains the backgrounds for the games, and then there are instructions to make themed counters and cards to use with it. The letter ones are a bit advanced yet but I think that the number games look just right, and I've bookmarked a few to try. They are quite simple and could be easily adapted, I might just have a few to share!

Charity shop haul - books

Finally I couldn't resist these two vintage Ladybird books - Dinosaurs and Aesop's Fables. They're a bit battered, but at 10p each I couldn't leave them. I think that Harry will like them but they will have to be for supervised reading, I don't want them to fall apart!

Charity shop haul - books

I will be linking up with Magpie Monday over at Me and My Shadow.


  1. Good book finds.

  2. I don't think we have any children's books that aren't second hand (apart from gifts). You just can't beat them for the price.

    You've found a great selection there.

    Thanks for linking up x

    1. I love going into a charity shop and coming out with handfuls of books for just a few pounds! Although it doesn't stop me buying new books too...!

  3. What a lovely collection of books. I found some old ladybird ones recently - they brought back a lot of memories!

    1. The old Ladybird books are wonderful, and I was surpised how cheap they were (albeit a bit battered)

  4. I always love to find good kids book. Ladybird books are a fab find, especially retro ones x

    1. I just love the pictures in the retro Ladybird books, I've got a few that were mine when I was little and I'm so glad that I hung on to them.

  5. Great finds! It's always worth looking for children's books in charity shops as there is usually something good.

    Although vintage Ladybird books tend to be shelved in the 'rare and collectable' section of our local Oxfam Books & Music shop, and priced accordingly.

    1. I was surprised to find the Ladybird books so cheap, they are a bit battered though. I've had a lot of success with children's books in charity shops!


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