Monday 17 June 2013

An afternoon a week

Last week, Mia started nursery. She had a brief stint at a different nursery about a year ago while I was still working, but since then she's been at home with me. Harry goes to nursery for three afternoons a week, and we thought it would be good to start her there before he goes to school to help her settle. 

Mia will be going for one afternoon a week to start with, and because it is a private nursery it's a long afternoon session. She is used to visiting when we drop Harry off, and she waits in her pushchair looking longingly at the children playing with all the toys. I don't think she could quite believe it when I got her out too and set her free!

She had a couple of settle sessions with me there, then it was time for me to leave her. She was a bit taken aback when she realised that I wasn't going to stay, but I was assured that she settled fine without me. She only made a fuss when she was asked to do something that she didn't want to, like sit down or go to a particular area. It's understandable really, she's still only little and it will take her a while to get used to the new routine.

So this leaves me now with a regular entire afternoon to myself, what a luxury!

Of course I'm never going to be short of anything to do in that time. But before we went away, I took the big step of registering myself as self-employed and thinking about how I can start to build up a bit of work from home, particularly in the area of freelance content writing. I know that I can't really start to look for work with long hours unless we can organise a bit more childcare, but I can make a start and see how I get on.

I'm also hoping to have a bit of time to concentrate on my own projects - I'm getting on really well with my Day Zero Project list. I'm already 30% completed and there are some things on there that I'm really looking forward to giving a go.

Finally, it's also nice to know that at least once a week I'll have a regular window of uninterrupted childfree time for things like important phone calls, and tasks that can't be done with little grabby hands about!


  1. OOh I am a little envious! This time next year I shall be readying Syd for pre-school and looking forward to a little tome to get things done! Enjoy! x

    1. It is a huge luxury for me, I was used to working and at least that got me out of the house and gave me a little bit of a break, since I was made redundant the looking after children part of life has been very intense!

  2. Jealous! Although I got a letter from the pre-school last week and Emily starts three mornings a week in September. Don't know what I'm going to do with myself.

    1. I'm sure you'll find something to fill the time! I am finding that my nice long afternoon passes very quickly!

  3. Both mine currently go to preschool 3 days a week; the days I work. The last few months I've been using up my leave before the end of the leave year next week. I've had random days for me at home and I love it. Being able to concentrate on one thing instead of being on constant child alert. I've got one more Me-day next week and I'll really miss them from July.

    Congratulations on becoming self employed, that is a big step. I love the idea so I can be more flexible for the children, but don't know what I'd do.

    1. It is lovely being able to concentrate on things without either little squeaky voices around, or the silence which means that mischief is afoot. I'm not really doing anything at the moment yet work wise, but at least if an opportunity presents itself I'm ready to go!


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