Monday 26 December 2011

Boxing Day

When I was little, Boxing Day was an extension of Christmas Day, for staying at home, playing with new toys and eating up the chocolates. The January sales completely passed me by until I met my husband and discovered a new way of spending the days just after Christmas.

Before children we used to get up at the (at that time) hideously early time of 5am and head over to Southampton, stopping at Marks and Spencers on the way then heading on to Next before ending up in the city centre. We never bought a huge amount, but we usually came back with some bargains. When Harry was born we had a year off, but last year, as he was getting up at that time anyway, we bundled him into the car and set out with the pushchair. We managed a limited trip, but he got stroppy very quickly so we weren't really rating our chances when this year we decided to attempt sales shopping with both baby and toddler.

We usually get on quite well with the Marks and Spencer's sale, and as this year the store just down the road in Shoreham has been extended we didn't have to travel too far. We each took a trolley and a child and sped round. We didn't get a lot but were pleased with what we did get. I always get slippers as I wear them out so quickly, and I needed new pajamas. I also bought some festive silicone cup cake cases and chocolate moulds for next year.

On the same retail park, the old Homebase was recently changed into a Next store, so we pushed our luck and pushed over a pushchair. We couldn't believe just how big the store was, and also how empty of people it was. I don't think it was just because of the size, but it was well after the early opening, and there was plenty of stock left. Perhaps the large areas marked out for queuing had been full earlier in the morning, but when we went there were no queues whatsoever and plenty of space to walk around and have a good luck round.

Now we will be continuing our sales shopping from home through the computer!


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