Saturday 28 March 2015

Getting our summerhouse ready for Spring

I have to admit that I'm not a particularly outdoorsy person. I know that it's very important for children to get outside everyday, and I do honestly try my best, but on a grey, cold, winter's day, I'd much rather be tucked up at home with a hot chocolate. Luckily, each of the children enjoy outdoor time in pre-school and at school so I don't feel that I have to worry too much about it!

Getting the summer house ready for Spring

We are fortunate to have a nice garden with a big vegetable patch and a lovely summerhouse that we inherited when we moved in. I had big plans for our summerhouse, and although it has taken a while to get things going I'm determined that this will be the year that I really make something of it. My Dad replaced the roof last year, so it's a nice, dry outside room.

I never tidied it up properly at the end of last summer, so it has spent the winter as a tip, with discarded garden toys chucked in and ignored. Over the last week or two I've had a massive clear out, with one bin bag of rubbish gone and one bin bag of extra toys given away on Freecycle. I've also given away a rickety chest of drawers, replaced some old children's garden furniture with our newer set from Harry's bedroom, and gone around with the hoover getting rid of cobwebs and dead woodlice.

Now I'm focusing on making it a bit more homely and more of a play space. I was recently gifted a sewing machine which I was thrilled about, and I'm planning to make some proper little curtains for the windows and some bunting to string outside. I might even manage a cushion! I've also been scouring Twinkl for fun and educational signs and posters to laminate and stick up inside - these are the Animal Groups Display Posters (Twinkl subscriber resource).

Getting the summer house ready for Spring

I have a beautiful butterfly light fitting that was rescued from Mia's room in the old house, but unfortunately the light part broke when we took it down. I've finally upcycled it into a mobile and I think it looks lovely along with my denim and felt butterfly bunting that I made a few years ago now.

Getting the summer house ready for Spring

I'm going to move some of our older toys out there in the hope that they will get played with again in a different environment, like our car garage, a box of cars, and some of the Happyland bits. It won't be long before I'll be setting up our big outdoor sandpit, which is still in pretty good condition despite being a few years old now. We've also put the swings out, and it looks as though Mia will move on from her baby swing this year onto a proper adult swing.

Getting the summer house ready for Spring

Now I just need to hope that we have a nice warm summer again for plenty of outdoor play!


  1. I love the idea of a summerhouse as i am sure my children would love a one x

    1. I was so excited to find it was going to be left behind when we bought our house! It's great as a play house for now, and if it lasts longer then I have visions of making it into a little outdoor sitting room for me to read and craft in!


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