Friday 9 November 2012

An ending, and a beginning

Today marks the start of a new role in life - as a full-time, stay at home Mum. After being back at work for a whole month I was placed at risk of redundancy, and the whole long, drawn-out process, which could have seen me found another job at any time up until 5pm on my leaving day, has finally come to an end and I have now officially been made redundant.

I'm not really cross about it. I fully appreciate that my work had dried up, and the fact that I had taken a full year's maternity leave twice without any cover shows that I was hardly indispensible. Mainly I'm just a bit sad, it was my first proper job out of university, I'd been working in the same team for nine years, and I'd built up some strong friendships. I'm really going to miss the social aspect.

Fortunately we are in a position financially that means I can stay at home for a bit, and now that everything has finally been confirmed I'm able to concentrate on the positives. I had some wobbles about returning to work, and I am thrilled that I'm going to be able to spend more time with the little ones. Harry will move to a pre-school closer to home for a few sessions a week as we prepare for him to start school next September, and Mia will be at home with me all the time for now. I sometimes feel that Mia can be pushed to one side as Harry can be so demanding, so it will be lovely to have some time to spend just the two of us.

Here's to a new chapter!


  1. Glad you are feeling positive about it Jen, and I'm sure you will find plenty to keep you busy! And when Laura started pre-school it was so nice to have time just to spend with Emily. Well, it still is. x

    1. Thank you! Yes, I have lots planned to keep me busy!

  2. Yes, think positive about it. Think of all that saving on childcare and less stress from running about from one place to another. Your time will come again, and for now you'll have to have the rest of us for company.

    1. It's true that we will save some money, and I did receive a small redundancy payout too which will help with the mortgage. Thank you for keeping me company!

  3. As you know I went through something similar nearly a year ago and like you I was a bit sad, but also upbeat about using the situation to spend more time with my children.

    Sounds like everything is falling into place for you.

    All the best x

  4. Good luck with it. I'm sure you'll enjoy being a stay at home mum (I did). Think Trouble Doubled is right - I saved money by being at home in many ways: work clothes, transport, temptations to spend money at lunchtime & the childcare too.

    1. Thank you, I will enjoy it, I'll need to find ways to keep us busy!

  5. How exciting. Sometime's it's better when the decision is taken out of your hands! I'm sure it will turn out to be a positive experience. x

    1. It is exciting, and you're right, it's not a decision that I would have made myself, but it is the best thing in the long run.

  6. Keep thinking positive and enjoy the time - it's such a short time in the scheme of things xxx

    1. It is a short time, and especially now that they are past the baby stage which I'm not that good with, there are fun times ahead!

  7. Oh Jen,

    I'm sorry you didn't get to choose this yourself, but I don't regret taking voluntary redundancy a year ago to be at home with my boy. I do miss the salary (sometimes), but it's more than made up for by being his main carer.

    It's going to be a great opportunity to spend quality time with Mia and you will all benefit from it so much.

    Good luck xx

    1. Thank you! I would probably have taken voluntary redundancy if it had been offered by my employer, so it is the best thing to happen. We will miss the salary, but we will all benefit from my time spent at home.

  8. I've recently taken redundancy and I'm enjoying it but being slightly scared by having so many options for the future. I'm so sorry you didn't get a choice in the matter but it sounds like you are determined to make the best of it and I'm sure it will all work out for you.

    1. Thank you! It is a bit scary, I could go back into the workplace and be doing something completely different!

  9. Sounds live you've had a lovely opportunity open up. When you're ready there will be lots of chances to get another job. 9 years in one job will look great on a CV.

    1. It is a good opportunity. You're right, my employment history is certainly stable!


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