Wednesday 22 April 2015

How does your garden grow?

Every year, around about this time, I excitedly publish a post detailing my grand garden plans for the summer. In fact I've already started this year, with a post about the work that I've done to our summer house. The trouble is that I do struggle a bit in the garden, the children aren't particularly interested in helping me and they aren't always the best at occupying themselves while I get on with things. It's much easier now that I can trust them enough to turn my back on them for a few minutes at a time, but I still find it difficult to carve out a decent amount of time to get something done.

I was a bit lazy at the end of last summer and never properly cleared out our vegetable patch. It's tucked away behind our garage so I can't see it from the house and it's easy to ignore. So for months I had been able to forget about this, lurking away:

How does the garden grow - Spring 2015

But since the weather has been so lovely for the last week or two and we've been out in the garden (we've even enjoyed our few barbecues of the year!) it's been impossible to ignore, so over the weekend I announced that I was going to get it weeded. It was hard work, we had grown some pretty impressive weeds and there was a big patch of nettles by the fence that come through from the green space beyond. There is still more to do, like taming the large climbing plant gradually coming over from next door that I need to prevent from swallowing up the garage, and the planters still need a bit of work.

I'm pretty chuffed with what I managed to get done though, and I only had to stop because our green bin was stuffed full, along with extra waiting in bags to go out over the next few weeks.

How does the garden grow - Spring 2015

Every year I usually manage to grow some tomatoes, and this year Harry was desperate to get started with planting, especially after I printed him out this fab Planting Tomato Seeds Fact Sheet (Twinkl subscriber resource) from Twinkl. I had some ancient tomato seeds which we planted together over Easter with our fingers firmly crossed, and although they took a while to get going it looks as though we'll have a few plants to pot out soon. I usually have some success with spinach and carrots, and my Dad has some other vegetable plants for me too.

How does the garden grow - Spring 2015


  1. Ah gardening. I love it but never have enough time to do it.

    1. I do have enough trouble keeping up with the inside of the house, let alone the outside! I'm determined to make time though, especially as the children get older, I think gardening is something that I could enjoy if I had the time to focus on it.

  2. Great work in getting that all cleared away, I look forward to seeing things grow in there

    1. Thank you, it was hard work and the weeds are already creeping back in but I'm determined to keep on top of them!

  3. tomatoes are always my favorites and the only thing i really care to plant aside from flowers. best of luck!

    1. Thank you! I've always had good luck with tomatoes, sometimes too much good luck as I end up with loads of plants and I can't keep up with them all. The seeds I've planted this year are a random selection of different varieties, so I'm quite interested to see what comes up!

  4. I did a good tidy up of our garden over the Easter holidays and it's amazing the difference it makes. I hope you get plenty of inspiration from joining in with HDYGG.

    1. Thank you, I'm glad that I joined in as it's such a friendly linky and like you say so much gorgeous inspiration!

  5. Aww I have garden envy! I wish I have a space like this to plant. We have potted plants! I am looking forward to seeing how this project will porgress =) #hdygg

    1. I know we are very lucky, it came with the house! We've never used it to its full potential but I hope as the children get bigger I'll have more time to spend on it.

  6. Good work on the weeding, it's amazing at how easy they are to grow isn't it? I'm waiting for my annual influx of dandelions to arrive.... #hdygg

    1. Thank you! I'm always impressed with the dandelions that I manage to grow, I never realised quite how big they could get!

  7. That's a crazy amount of weeds you must have worked hard to get it all clear! I have such a love/hate relationship with weeds. I start off thinking they're not doing anyone any harm let them grow. Then when they start taking over I think otherwise! #howdoesyourgardengrow

    1. They just grow so quickly, and so big, I always intend to do the weeding when they are tiny but they quickly get out of control.


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