At the beginning of 2020 I set myself a challenge to complete one of my unfinished projects each month. Despite all the twists and turns that this year brought I did pretty well with my challenge and was very pleased with all the projects that I managed to tick off my list, as well as finding the time to try out some new crafts. Here's how I got on:
In February I got out my paintbrushes and worked on this Paint by Numbers Fishing Village. I really enjoyed painting it and in terms of buying craft supplies it was a bargain at only £5 from Hobbycraft. It inspired me to take up painting again, something that I spent a lot of time working on during the first lockdown as I completed my 100 Day Project.
During March I tackled this Circular weaving project which I had started a couple of times and given up. I found it difficult attaching the warp threads to the circular ring and keeping them all lined up so that I could weave properly. I enjoy the process of weaving but next time I'll stick with a square or rectangle! But I persevered and I was happy with the result, I particularly like the fluffy trees and the patch of sea that I added in a change in the design from the original kit.
A bit early perhaps, but I started my Christmas crafting in April with this Mini Christmas cross stitch. I bought this in Hobbycraft a few years ago as part of a 3 for 2 promotion, and gave the other two kits to my friends. It was a very simple project to stitch and didn't take too long, and I finished it off with a simple border before mounting it on some green felt and framing it. It has spent the Christmas period on display on the mantlepiece.
I was very excited for May craft, this Van Gogh diamond painting which I bought on holiday in Florida last year (it's also available in Hobbycraft). I love diamond painting, such a simple and relaxing craft. This piece is very big and was really enjoyable to work on. I bought a frame for it and is now on display in the kitchen where I can see it as I cook dinner.
In June it was back to Christmas crafting with these Christmas felt kits that I received to review a little while back. Two very sweet and simple decorations which graced our Christmas tree this year.

For July I dug out all the bits and pieces that I had collected for my Smash book and had lots of fun sticking them into place. Now it's a fun book filled with colour and memories.

For July I dug out all the bits and pieces that I had collected for my Smash book and had lots of fun sticking them into place. Now it's a fun book filled with colour and memories.
August saw me finishing off some Decopatch projects that had been lying around for too long. I replaced the glue that I'd finished and made this large J among other things.
In September I turned to my Cross stitch map. I knew that this wasn't a project that I could finish during the month, so I concentrated on filling up a bit more of the space. I'm pleased with how this project is going as it's something that I've made up myself rather than following a kit, but I find it quite difficult to do. Both physically because the fabric is very stiff and can't be held easily, and creatively because I need to come up with the designs myself. So it's a very long term work in progress but I'm pleased with how it's coming along.
Then as the year began to draw to a close I realised that I didn't really have any more projects lying around that I wanted to complete, instead I wanted to concentrate my crafting on something that I could work on without feeling any pressure. So I opened up the cross stitch kit that I'd had lying around for a couple of years and was desperate to start. It's called the Olde World Map and I really love the design. I've made a good start, and hopefully this project will be keeping me company for the next couple of years or so.
So that was my year in unfinished projects, and I'm really proud of how well I got on. And I have a few more crafty ideas lined up for the year ahead, now that I've cleared some space in my crafting cupboard!
You have done really well and all of your crafts look fantastic. I think my favourite is the Van Gogh diamond painting x