Wednesday 18 January 2023

A craft to try if you...

...don't have much time - keep a sketchbook, pen and eraser handy and you can always work on a quick sketch. Sometimes it's better to work quickly on a drawing so that you don't overthink it, and get too fixated on trying to make it perfect.

...want to recycle or upcycle something - try some tin can lanterns. All you need is a tin can, a hammer and a nail, and I decorate mine with some beads threaded on wire around the top. They are great for using both indoors and outdoors.

Tin can lantern craft

...want to spread some happiness - make some painted rocks and leave them around your area for people to find and take home. There is probably a local Facebook group where people can share rocks that they have found and tell people where to look out for their creations. I've used acrylic paint and paint pens to decorate rocks, and I finish them with a quick coat of varnish.

Painted rocks with unicorn

...want to make some gifts - try making some soap. You can make lots at once and a beautifully packaged bar of homemade soap makes a lovely gift.

...might get interrupted - I've always found cross stitch a good craft to work on a little bit at a time. Whether you are working on an area with lots of stitches that are the same colour, or smaller areas with lots of colours, it's easy to pick up and put down if you need to attend to something else. 

...want to craft while watching television - knitting or crocheting a scarf is a simple project whether you follow a pattern or make it up as you go along with different colours of yarn. It doesn't take up too much space while you are working on it, and because the rows are short you can still concentrate on what you are watching as you don't need to have your eyes down for too long.

...want something mindless to get into flow - a simple striped or wavy crochet blanket. If you are looking for some inspiration I would highly recommend the Attic24 blog - there always seems to be a new blanket or crochet along taking place and you can buy kits containing everything that you need.

This is a photo of the Sky Blanket that I made a few years ago. A simple repeating pattern means that you don't need to concentrate too much and they work up really quickly.

Crochet blanket in stripes

...want to make something useful - try some knitted or crochet dishcloths. There are lots of free and really simple patterns available, all you need is some dishcloth (cotton) yarn which is very cheap. You can also wash them easily rather than having to buy disposable alternatives.

Knitted dishcloth on the tap

...want to craft alongside children - of course I'm going to recommend Hama beads! I love sitting down with a child and each working on a different Hama bead pegboard. It's a craft which you can easily adapt to the age and skill of the crafter and it's great for developing fine motor skills.

1 comment:

  1. What great ideas. I love those painted rocks. There used to be loads scattered around locally. x


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