Monday 2 January 2023

My resolutions and goals for 2023

It's that time of year again, Happy New Year!

In December I held a 2023 planning session with Mia. We are both very much into our planning and organisation at the moment. We have both started Bullet Journals, which is something that I've been eyeing up for some time. It's a way of organising yourself using a dotty notebook and lots of pretty accessories like washi tape, stickers and lovely pens. For the last few years I've been doing all my planning digitally (you can read about my Trello organisational system here) but the analogue Bullet Journal method really appeals to me, and I'm intending to continue with the habit through 2023. I'll be sharing some posts on how I've set mine up soon!

During our planning session we each came up with lots of goals, resolutions and tasks for the year ahead. I've given myself five main goals to work on, and for each one I've tried to break it down into manageable steps which I can work on each month. 

My first goal comes up every year - lose weight! I'm not overweight but I'm heavier than I'd like to be and I want to lose a few kilograms by next summer. I've also been a bit worried recently about my processed sugar intake. So I'm going to weigh myself regularly to keep on top of it (I've made a tracker for my Bullet Journal!), keep up with my exercise and find some new running routes, aim to eat a healthier lunch (soups and salads) and avoid snacks between meals. 

Next is to work on crafting through my stash. I'm not going to say that I won't make any craft purchases this year, but I'll try to buy things that I need rather than want - for example things like glue and pens. I've been building up some Pinterest boards filled with inspiration and I'll be making myself a list of projects to work on each month.

It's also time to get on top of the to be read pile. I have lots of books stacked up, both on my Kindle and on the bedside table, and I was lucky enough to receive a generous pile for Christmas. I have a page in my Bullet Journal where they are all listed out, to be ticked off when finished. This helps because the Kindle books have a tendency to be forgotten about as I can't physically see them. Then it's just about making the effort to get on and read!

Pile of books on windowsill
Photo credit Florencia Viadana via Unsplash

I want to get organised with my blog content, ideally planning three posts a week for the month ahead and getting as many written as I can. Then that leaves gaps for personal update posts or things that I want to write about as they happen.

Finally I have a new idea for a series on my blog that I want to get started. I still need to do some brainstorming but it's something crafty and will hopefully start the first week in February. Just something to stretch my creative muscles!

As well as the goals I also have tasks which are specific one off things that I want to do this year. They include scanning in some of my old photos, sorting out some of our larger toy sets that are no longer played with and a few home improvement jobs. I've also come up with an ambitious list of regular jobs in the home, things like cleaning out the tumble dryer filter and defrosting the freezer that I tend to only do when they can't wait any longer. Hopefully this will be the year that I manage to keep on top of everything!

Typewriter with the word 'goals'
Photo credit Markus Winkler via Unsplash

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have some great plans for the year. Good luck! I am hoping to lose a little weight and get more organised with blog things. The new series on your blog sounds interesting. Wishing you all the best for 2023. x


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