Tuesday 6 March 2012

Framed felt owl picture

For my second entry into the PinAddicts challenge, hosted this month by 76 Sunflowers I was inspired by these gorgeous little Felt Owls at Bugs and Fishes. Bugs and Fishes is a fantastic blog if you are looking for felt crafting inspiration, there are all sorts of lovely little bits and pieces!

Framed felt owl picture

I decided that rather than making a stuffed owl, I would use the design in a small picture frame. I used an Ikea Ram frame, which I also used to make my felt name picture.

I made my own owl template based upon the Bugs and Fishes design, and chose colours from my felt stash. It was very tempting to go mad with lots of different colours, so I tried to introduce some continuity by making most of the stitching yellow. I also painted the frame yellow to match. My owl came out a little wonky (perhaps because I drew him freehand rather than use the template which the designer kindly provides), so I set him at a jaunty angle to try and hide it.

Felt owl framed picture

I had some space left in the frame which needed to be filled. I originally cut out some small letters to spell 'owl' and placed them along the top, but I didn't feel that it looked right, so instead I made him a little branch with a leaf, and I also gave him some feet. I glued all the pieces onto some white linen for a backing. Owl designs are very popular at the moment, and I'm really pleased with him!

If you are looking for more owl crafts you might also like my Fimo Owl


  1. oh he is too sweeeeettt!!! Love how owls are so fashionable at the moment, i've loved them since I was a little girl :) Will definitely have a go at this.

    Thanks for linking up again! Kerry xx

    1. Thank you, and I love linking up and seeing everyone's projects!

  2. This is sooooooo cute! You have done a gorgeous job. My owls always seem to end up looking a bit like vicious gangsters.

    1. Thank you! You made me laugh about the gangster, I hope he doesn't look like a gangster!

  3. I love your jaunty angled owl and the branch really finishes it off beautifully. I remember making a felt owl in junior school - how the fashions come back!
    Thanks for linking up x x

    1. Thank you, you know I think I may have made an owl or something similar at school. Thank you for hosting the linky this month, I love taking part!

  4. He is fab well done! I love these little owls that are popping up everywhere! x

  5. Love your owl picture. Gorgeous!

  6. Starting to feel a bit cheeky replying to everyone individually and upping the comment count, so thank you all so much for all your lovely comments, they are much appreciated :)

  7. Love Owls!......Love your picture! What a sweetie! Well done x

  8. Yours has a much cuter expression on his face!

  9. Thanks for linking to my project, Jennifer! Your picture turned out great :)


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