Friday 22 March 2013

Banana Muffins

We're on a bit of a health kick in this household. Both me and my husband have been dieting for a couple of months and we're both doing really well. I'm pretty much at my goal weight now (although a couple more lbs wouldn't hurt) and I've really missed baking, so I'm looking for some healthy treats that I can make that don't have too many calories.

Banana muffins
Image source My Darlings and Me, used with permission
I spotted these banana muffins from My Darlings and Me a few weeks ago and pinned them to try next time we had some bananas that were looking a little past their best. It's also a cake recipe that doesn't contain eggs, which is handy as don't always have any around.

Here is my effort, they were very easy to make, and they tasted delicious! I priced them up as around 150 calories each, which isn't too bad for a cake.

Banana muffins


  1. Thank you for the link Jennifer. Your muffins look yummy, 150 cals is not bad too! x

  2. I have never had much success with muffins, I don't know where I go wrong as give me a bun or cupcake recipe and I'm fine! Banana muffins do sound tasty :)


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