Saturday 15 March 2014

My embroidery hoop house picture

Embroidery hoop art

Embroidery hoop art is another craft that I have discovered since I joined Pinterest. I've even created my own board full of inspiration, which you can see at the bottom of this post. I particularly like the embroidery hoop pictures that have plenty of different stitches, and that incorporate a house and flowers, so I created my own version.

Embroidery hoop art house picture

If you are a long time reader of my blog you may recognise the felt house that is in the hoop, it's the one that I made out of felt to use as a logo. It's not an exact representation of our house, but it has some similarities, and it's also similar to the house that I've always doodled. The sun has a meaning too, it reminds me of the one that I painted in Harry's room when we decorated his nursery, now probably painted over by the new owners of the house! I also took some inspiration from some felt and fabric pictures that I sewed for Harry's room while I was pregnant - you can see them here among my five favourite completed crafty projects.

I realised when I'd finished it that I had no idea how to finish off the back, so I thought I'd share a picture. I didn't do the best job and it's something that I need to work on to make it all look a bit tidier. The spotted fabric that I used to back it is a cheap pillowcase from Asda.

Backing to embroidery hoop art

It took me ages to decide where to place the screw. I quite liked having it a little bit off centre, but then I realised that it was the easiest way to hang the hoop, so I ended up with it at the top. I'm not sure where to put it yet, I'd quite like to put it somewhere that it's not easily seen but where I can still go and visit it. Perhaps in our bathroom.

I used a fairly big embroidery hoop for the design, the design area is about 18cm across. I did find myself rather intimidated by the large background area, so for my next embroidery hoop craft project I chose some smaller frames to work with. You can see them here - Embroidery hoop art with button flowers.


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