Thursday 5 January 2012

Moving house with a baby and a toddler

We did it! We successfully moved house with a toddler and a baby! And while it's not an experience that I'd like to repeat in a hurry, it really wasn't that bad. We had done a lot of preparation with Harry on what was happening, for example we made sure that he knew that everything was coming with us to the new house. We took him out to show him the lorry and to watch as the first things were loaded on.

The men arrived very early and started taking things out right away. There was a little bit of a worry mid-morning when it looked as though everything wasn't going to fit on the lorry, but they disappeared and came back with another. Unfortunately I had confused the Scottish packer the day before by telling him in conversation that we had exchanged before Christmas. He thought this meant that we had completed and they could take the lorry to the new house, unload it, and then return for a second trip. Whoops.

Moving house with a baby and a toddler

When the upstairs had been loaded I set up a camp in Harry's old bedroom with some toys and snacks to keep the little ones out of the way while the last things were packed downstairs. Harry had a great time running around the empty house. We completed very early, about 11 am, so we were in the new house around midday.

Moving house with a baby and a toddler

The lady selling the house had left it beautifully clean and it's in really good condition. We are very pleased with it, it is a lovely house. We have plenty of space and lots of storage. Our sofa never really looked right in the old house, and now it fits perfectly. Our television and entertainment centre can also sit nicely in the corner where they belong, rather than across the middle of the living room. We even have a smaller room which we can use as a playroom, rather than having toys stacked up in the living room.

Moving house with a baby and a toddler

It's going to take us a long time to get everything sorted. We have boxes piled up everywhere, and because we had it packed for us I don't know where anything is. I don't want to rush into unpacking because I want to make sure that everything is stored in the best place. We will also be without our regular internet access for a little while, so I may go a bit quiet. But so relieved that it's done!


  1. Hooray! So glad it all went smoothly. We will be round to see your house in a couple of weeks. :)

  2. We look forward to seeing you, we'll try and get most of the boxes unpacked!


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